Tupperware Party Massacre - So so episode.
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
With American Horror Story - Freak Show, I either love the episode or hate it. Mordrake Part 2 and Bloodbath are some of the better episodes because stuff actually happens. Horror. The rest of this season is just character crap and I just can't get into them. The Bette and Dot scenes this episode had me cringing and laughing, I don't know if it's intended for emotional impact. Dandy is the only thing keeping this season going, and his opening scene of horror (with his Mum & Avon girl) didn't really have substance, was just a 5 second impact job.

The episode mainly tracks Bette and Dot deciding they want to stay together as opposed to being operated on, Jimmy's drunken rampage continues, Dandy fancies himself as a God and sees nothing or no one stopping him, and Dell sees his guilt as too much and decides this is the end.

I feel the season is more American Drama Story than American Horror Story, and I just don't care about these characters and what is going on, the second season done it perfect. Third season got it wrong, and this season is either good, or crap, in my opinion.

This episode isn't the worst of the season, but isn't too special either.
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