Tomb Raider (1996 Video Game)
A Great VG For It's Time
11 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The first time i played this game was in 1997 after playing TB2 i wanted to see the original one and it really attracted me from its opening scene which i found much better than the second one,but after that i found that TR2 was much more better in graphics,enemies and even in the story line. back then i couldn't continue the third level after beating the T-Rex, well eventually i didn't again and finished it through the PSP.

The PSP version is very much similar to the original one, but the only thing that wasn't good about this version is that they dropped the battles musics, which bore you a lot because most of the time you hear Lara's boots which made me in many times just play it in the silent mode.

The enemies were very few and easy some of them don't make any sense (Giant Rates) and some are great at the final levels of the game.

the cut scenes were very nice and funny at the same time (I couldn't stop laughing every time i heard Natala Or Larson).

As for the bosses the problem is like the same problem with Dino crisis (which are very weak) compering them with the hard puzzles.

Did i enjoy the game? Sure i did But is it a great one? Well it's hard to say especially after all these years, but if you like classic games of the 90s and you want to now how the TR series began i highly recommend it for you. But, if you want to play the best one of the TR classics i recommend you to try the second TR it has more enemies more fun and a great cut scenes.
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