I don't get as much out of Pulp Fiction as everybody else does. I don't like that it doesn't have a strong message, I think the dialogue goes on self-impressed tangents some times and the Mia Wallace story doesn't tie in with the rest of the film and it just isn't that interesting to me. However, that doesn't mean I don't appreciate its style. The entire film from the costume design, to the camera work, to the setting of LA are dripping with noir atmosphere. The writing, while it does jerk itself off at times, is still pretty memorable and enjoyable to listen to. The acting is fantastic all around, getting especially good performances from Samuel L Jackson, John Travolta and Bruce Willis.
While I don't think its a masterpiece, it is something fun to watch if you're looking for something different and intriguing.
While I don't think its a masterpiece, it is something fun to watch if you're looking for something different and intriguing.