Nothing But a Hound Dog
7 July 2017
Desperate to lose his virginity, a youth from rural Canada goes to extraordinary lengths to get laid in this wacky college comedy with a difference. While the film is let down by annoying stereotypes and too many flatulence gags, it is boosted by a pseudo-documentary narrative style. The film opens with multiple interviews as various individuals comment on how they knew the protagonist when he was still a fumbling fool and before he became famous, which adds a nice sense of mystery to the proceedings as we wait to see what exactly brought about this fame. It is an up and down ride; lead actor Matthew Causey is downright annoying at times with his over-the-top awkwardness around women, but he is very funny at other points (look out for an extended segment in which he is made up to look like a punk rocker). His ventures in an adult shop also lead to some truly uncanny moments as the toys there baffle him and as the shop owner has a penchant for speaking like Marlon Brando. Some of the dialogue is highly memorable too; "get used to it!" exclaims one young woman after Causey pounces on her, crying "but I'm a virgin". And there is the line "hound dog's gonna eat that pussy!" - which really needs to be heard in context to be appreciated. 'The Party Animal' is certainly a bit of a mixed bag, but the highlights are ultimately what stick around in the mind.
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