The Naked Civil Servant (1975 TV Movie)
This movie is the autobiographical story of Quentin Crisp, a flamboyantly effeminate homosexual who, oddly enough, is said to have been opposed to the gay liberation movement.
4 August 2017
This is my first movie review ever. But I felt I had to, after seeing the 8.0 score, which I felt was surprisingly low. (Oh, I do so hope that that comment does not conflict with the guidelines.)

I'm almost 70 years old and have been a long time ally of the LGBTQ+ community. Yet I only recently discovered Quentin was via a TV talk show interview with Tilda Swinton that led me to the movie Orlando, which led to Quentin and, of course, The Naked Civil Servant.

What a moving story of this brave man. Occasionally he comes across as pompous, but more importantly he was true to who he was at time when that was very difficult and even dangerous.

I gave it a 9 (rather then a 10) only because I don't know that any film can be perfect. Having said that, if I were to score just John Hurt's performance I'd be tempted to call it "Perfection". I must look into more of Hurt's work.
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