Better than the other, but still not particularly good
30 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Judge Morty: State of Georgia Vs. Rick Allen" is an 11-minute animated short film from last year (2016) and unlike "Rick and Morty: State of Georgia Vs. Denver Fenton Allen" it is in color and maybe that's also the reason why I liked it a bit more, so it's not just the defendant's language that is truly colorful as he keeps unleashing in the most vulgar way against the judge while stating that his lawyer wants him to perform sexual favors in exchange for accurate legal counsel. Anyway, there is really very little to this movie we have here in terms of depth, substance or character development. It's loud, obnoxious an in a bad way over the top as it does not stop getting funny pretty quickly, but doesn't even start being funny at all. Humor for 10-year-olds really who maybe still laugh every time the defendant uses foul language. But everybody with an interest in quality filmmaking needs to skip this one for sure. 4 stars out of ten are certainly very much (too much?) on the generous side. Go for something else instead.
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