I just finished watching world's eighth and ninth wonders!
17 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The worst damage to the movie is done by the totally unbelievable events and things appear in the storyline. It should be the eighth wonder in the world for a person whose leg is so damaged to walk hundreds of miles in freezing snow and finally reach a human settlement. Funnily, they find all the necessary medicine, moonboots, surgical equipment and all that in the plane or wasted snow land! And food never seemed to be a problem to survive weeks while they start fires in a flicker in that freezing icy land ! Ha…ha… How Kate kills a snow tiger with a flare gun like an Olympian best shot is next to the ninth wonder! How childish if the director thought we were gonna believe all that crap?

Only silver lining- the music of Ramin Djawadi that was so soothing and beautiful. The cadence between the piano and cellos so amazingly captures the fluttering melancholy of lonely and isolated souls struggling to survive. And the cinematography is equally beautiful catching few of the best snow landscape shots I've ever seen in a movie. Editing is smart and credible too.

Unfortunately totally wasted talents from Kate and Idris, both excellent actors who struggle to give the best but fail miserably due to a weak storyline and a screenplay.
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