George Michael: Freedom (2017 TV Movie)
Songs from the last century
18 October 2017
I saw George Michael in concert in 2007 and I think the experience in some ways might really summed his life up. It was an open air concert in the summer but it rained almost all night. George came on sang for what seemed like 45 minutes and then went off for a 20 minutes break, probably for a cup of tea and a snort of some illegal substance. He then did his second act for about 20 minutes and it was on to the encore.

When you have seen Bruce Springsteen live, pelting it out for 3 and half hours non stop then George was a disappointment by comparison. Then again I did not go to see for myself but my wife is a big George Michael/Wham fan. She was not a happy bunny on Christmas Day 2016. At least I took her to see him live in concert.

This documentary co-directed by George himself was a comprehensive look back on his career. A career that promised much as he and Andrew Ridgely quickly made it big with Wham. In 1988 he was the biggest selling rock star in the world and he sustained this throughout the 90s but by the start of the new millennium it quickly fizzled out as his private life was in turmoil and frankly his voice started to go as he started to sing songs through a vocoder (just listen to his version of True Faith.)

George talks about his highs and lows, his love life and his short lived happiness before his partner died of AIDS and later his mother died of cancer. Then his public falling out with Sony records as he did not want to promote his albums the want his record company wanted him to.

Some of the contributors were a bit disappointing. I can understand Elton John being there but they also had a falling out and I wanted to hear about that. There was no Andrew Ridgely which was a glaring omission but plenty of Tracey Emin which I found mind boggling.
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