I have mixed feelings about this movie, it is not too slow, not too fast but somehow you still feel strange. Schuyler Haydn made just one other movie before he died in a plane crash, so this movie has also a historical value. Schuyler Haydn looks perfect in the role of psychotic folk-rocker. I think what disturb me the most is the nice-bad boy, in my personal opinion, the most shaking personification of devil in movie and in reality. The movie is doing a good job in showing the evil in such a way that you will never want to encounter such a thing in your whole life. The other similar nice but bad evil impersonation, that I found also disturbing, is Mark Pellegrino in Lucifer role from Supernatural series. Evil as bad is easy to understand but evil as nice is hard to comprehend. This is the feeling that I had during the movie and it is hard to believe it was done during the '60. It is not boring and somehow manage to have the same speed from the beginning to the end, showing how a life with bad decisions can end up in only one way. Of course, all with some of the era exaggerations in acting but will be easy to forget because are only short moments. The scene between the main personage and his father has some deep dialog. In current times, we see such a scene usually at the end of the movie so you may wonder what the movie has still to show after this point, I will let you to discover and you will not be disappointed. I think is a good movie that had never had a change to be a hit because of the nice evil personification, watch it not for entertainment but for having a meditation about evil in life and a travel to the '60.