15 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who has ever held down a mediocre food service job will be able to see the brilliance in this movie. Who hasnt day dreamed of your manager and chef bailing and leaving you to run the kitchen. I watched this movie in unpolished form on youtube, i had no problem with the cinematography it was a typical low budget 90s production and in fact it adds to the charm. Dave Attell is perfect in the roll of the typical power tripping boss and the supporting cast are all likeable. Its not just a movie of mitch's stand up so if thats what you want this isnt for you. This movie seems to have some deeper meaning behind it although its hard to tell because it also has to be funny and edgy on top of it. I think mitch wanted to tell us all that life can be a rewarding ride if you tale chances and follow your heart wherever it may lead you.
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