The Summit (2017)
What's this? What's going on?
23 January 2018
I really don't know what is the real purpose to make this movie. Why we have to involve so many Latin American nations and send all of their presidents to Chile, in the harsh winter and hold a so-called meeting in a resort like hotel on top of the mountain? And what's the purpose this Argentina president insists his daughter to join him there. The screenplay did not clearly develop the conspiratorial scandal this president is facing, only vaguely shows us in some dubious dialog that the husband of his daughter's husband will expose some dirty laundry this president is trying to hide from the people. Having a daughter who is in an unstable mental condition and disrupts his important meeting is such stubborn decision and stupid arrangement that maybe Donald Trump would do.

I really don't know how to categorize this going-nowhere almost clueless film. What is the real purpose of making this film? A political thriller? I don't think so. An unsolved murder mystery? A hallucination of a president's daughter? What is the real purpose this movie like us to view?

Christian Slater played an obnoxious American political peddler in this film with some over-the-top exaggeration with lot of unfit gestures and body language just wanted to give us an impression of how arrogant American policy maker is even during a back room negotiation. This film also wanted to let us know the Mexican president is the mouthpiece of the American government. But regretfully, when you forced yourself to sit through watching this film, expecting something might fully be explained in the end with your patience almost vaporized, what you got in the end is just a big NADA.

You don't need to go through this like me to get nothing out of it. A complete waste of your time.
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