The Sadist (1963)
Memorable and disturbing
5 April 2018
Wow, this is quite a shocker. The main character played by Arch Hall Jr. is very creepy and even in his first scene you know that he has no compassion.

Three school teachers break down in their car and end up in what appears to be a deserted breakers yard. They cannot find anyone there but evidence suggests that the occupiers had been there only minutes before. Along comes Arch Hall with his girlfriend. He points a gun at the teachers and takes their money. In the process he pistol whips the eldest teacher and forces the mechanically minded teacher to fix the car so that him and his girlfriend can escape in it.

It is soon evident that the two assailants are murderers on the run and that they have no qualms about murdering anyone in their path.

Well acted and very disturbing.
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