Every Day (2018)
Interesting concept but not executed well
23 April 2018
I saw this film on a whim. I was late to the cinema and had missed the film I wanted to see (A Quiet Place). I thought it was very underwhelming, cliché (although I anticipated this) and at times very, very dry. I'm usually someone who likes to read the book version before I see its adaptation, but I know that if I had read it, I would've been bitterly disappointed.

The one credible thing is the story. It is an intriguing and interesting concept which could have made for a great film. I mean, a spiritual entity that inhabits different people every day, watching over and potentially manipulating their lives...cool idea! And considering the plethora of remakes that are plaguing the cinematic world, a bit of originality is always nice. But despite this, the film really wasn't great, largely due to the poor acting and writing.

It is more suited to be a made-for-TV movie (or made to be released on Netflix), rather than a film worthy of cinematic release. I would have happily watched it on a Sunday afternoon, after a big lunch, drifting in and out of a food coma.
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