Shyamalan's Best
2 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The Sixth Sense without a doubt is the best work of M. Night Shyamalan I have ever seen (I haven't seen all of his movies for a reason). The Sixth Sense is my second favorite horror movie I have ever seen, following Kubrick's The Shining. Although I do believe The Sixth Sense is the most frightening horror film I have ever seen, making me jump even after seeing it a handful of times. The movie isn't exactly a jumpscare kind of movie, but I think it has some of the most brilliant jumpscares I have ever seen. My favorite being while Cole stands in the bathroom in the middle of the night, and we see the lower body of a woman abruptly walk past the doorway when we were under the impression he was alone. Also, the scene where he hides from the young girl is terrifying, actually making me think of the young girls from The Shining.

Of course, the best part of the movie indeed is the ending. The plot twist of this film is truly up there with some of the most brilliant plot twists of all time like those from Hitchcock in Vertigo and Psycho. Watching the film a second time is truly crucial for this film, because Shyamalan is so good at covering up the ending, you totally will miss every single clue you are given, despite the clues being EVERYWHERE. Malcolm never once talks to any other person the entire film other than Cole. As much as you may convince yourself he was talking with his wife, think again, because every time he approached him, she did not say a word to him. She mumbles a word or two under her breath a few times, but these words are not directed towards anyone. On top of that, Cole numerous times describes the traits he has learned about ghosts in his time seeing them, and his descriptions so perfectly describe Malcolm's character. The movie truly does bring one of the most brilliant plot twists ever, but unfortunately Shyamalan hasn't brought us much more since.
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