Dirty Money: The Confidence Man (2018)
Season 1, Episode 6
The CON-Man
2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, America elected a reality TV image as President of the United States. This series uncovers dirty money in many industries and trades. The most fascinating of all was saved for last The Confidence Man portrays Trump in the true light of his character. Never a big thinker, never a hard worker, but one incredible manipulator of truth. He was and is "an image". He doesn't make the greatest deals, he doesn't work in the lush penthouse built by producers for "The Apprentice" (because his own office is so shabby); he's been bailed out by his dad and bankrupted a billion dollars borrowed to build his Taj Mahal casino in New Jersey, leaving contractors and construction people holding all of his debt. Such a miserable failure, the only thing worth money was his name. So he began licensing his name to business ventures, with no role in the business. This made him appear as a global brand. You elected the greatest slight of hand artist born in the last century. You put a man, convicted of fraud, into the white house. All based on an image from a reality TV show. How gullible Americans have become.
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