The Outpost (2018–2021)
Has potential but terrible writers
24 July 2018
After watching two episodes, I am really hoping the writing improves. Why do writers create characters(in this case, Talon) that are supposed to be smart and skilled but make them so dumb? Talon is the sole survivor of a race that was ordered eradicated by the people in charge in her world. She supposedly survived to adulthood by her wits and ability. Why then is she portrayed as continually doing stupid things? I have no complaint with the actors. They are doing their job well as it is given them by the writers and director. Talon is all alone, traveling casually(1st mistake) through known dangerous territory and is saved by a knight. Instead of working with him(a survival strategy) she blows him off. She helps another woman with powerful connections and instead of accepting her friendship, blows her off. She nearly dies in a sword fight but is saved by the "smith" who tells her he knows important things about her future and past. The natural survival decision would be to accept his help and shelter while she recovers and learn things about her past that are important. What does she do? She blows him off too even though she is so weak that she can barely walk(BIG normally fatal mistake). She finds another 'friend' in the Brewer who helps her heal and at great risk to himself shelters her and what does she do - bails on him! The character, who is supposed to be a survivor, alone and on a quest of revenge, disdains potential allies, who have proved their potential value to her, and acts like a spoiled brat around everyone else. This by someone that should be keeping a profile so low as to be subterranean. Talon is supposed to be smart, skilled and independent. SO WRITE HER THAT WAY! I will give this a few more episodes to see if it improves but doubt it will be picked up for more than are already 'in the can'. A shame because the actors and audience deserve better. My advice to the actors is to start looking for new projects now because you deserve better than you are being provided.
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