Seven Samurai (1954)
Shichinin no samurai: Simply outstanding
17 August 2018
I've been on a Toho binge for a while now and for the most part the films have been enjoyable, especially those by Kurosawa.

The earlier films were dark, bleak and unsettling viewing and therefore going into Seven Samurai I was of two minds. First I expected more of the same, in both quality and tone but then on the flipside at time of writing this is ranked as the 19th highest rated movie on IMDB which is incredible.

My expectations were that it would be good, but that's about it. Seeing Takashi Shimura in the credits also confirmed my logic that this was going to at least be an entertaining three and a half hours.

I was mistaken, Seven Samurai is not's outstanding.

Wonderfully crafted, perfectly scored, incredibly choreographed, well acted and beautifully written this is well deserving of it's high place and I would consider it nothing short of a masterpiece.

If you check out my IMDB rating distribution it's very clear to see that getting anything higher than an eight is a rarity, this deserves it on so many levels.

I didn't expect this level of quality further as generally I don't tend to agree with titles in the IMDB top 250, this however I do I thoroughly unconditionally agree.

A masterpiece and essential viewing, I don't even need to give the premise of the movie in this review and must simply stress that this is film making mastery at its finest.

The Good:

Takashi Shimura

Very well shot for its time

Perfectly crafted

The Bad:

Nothing springs to mind

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Akira Kurosawas should be a household name, not Bruckheimer or Bay!

I'll put money down now that none of the remakes or movies heavily influenced by Seven Samurai comes close in quality
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