Review of Abe

Abe (2013)
Abe: Concept not story
22 September 2018
Take the robot from I, Robot (2004) then make a 7 minute short combining concepts from Bicentennial Man (1999) and a torture porn movie and you have Abe.

It's a quaint little short that looks fantastic and clearly had money behind it. The trouble is that there is no story here, merely a concept. This would have been a great method of pitching an idea to a studio, but as a short it falls somewhat short. (Pun intended)

It tells the tale of a robot that once served a family, but after losing their love he proceeds to try and "fix" people believing them broken and does it in a less than pleasant manner.

The script is great and in some sick twisted way you can totally empathise, for that reason I actually found myself more than a little saddened by the premise but doubly so when I realised there wasn't going to be an actual story here.

Sure shorts have limitations imposed on them due to the length but they can still have a beginning/middle/end and this doesn't.

Someone pick this concept up and make a feature film out of it!

The Good:

Looks great

Well written

Excellent premise

The Bad:

No real structure

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

This furthers my stance on robots and my stance is NO

This would make a wicked twist for a Bicentennial Man 2
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