Best episode in SpongeBob! PERIOD!!!
4 November 2018
This episode is absolute perfection. I adored every second of it from start to finish. Ideal Plankton, the Virus, Money Krabs, Krabs Coins, Gnarly Squid and Off Model SpongeBob are all very great new characters in this episode. I loved SpongeBob and Ideal Plankton's adventures together inside Karen, and the CGI created by the amazing and talented Jordan Speer is some of the best imagery I've EVER seen with my own two eyes. I don't think any episode of SpongeBob from the past and even the future will ever be as amazing as Karen's Virus. This masterpiece of an episode is the best in cartoon history, and I feel like I'm in heaven every time I watch it. I adore Karen's Virus will all my heart! IT IS HEAVEN!!!
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