Dang!!! All these one star reviews....
11 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I aim to give 5 stars, I would have given more but one part of the story was not right. The romantic in me says this. An adventure movie, yeah, too many needless deaths by anaconda etc, the scenery was gorgeous, so the 5 stars. I've read the book Chander Pahar many years ago as a kid, so to watch a sequel to that was excellent. But the part, the romantic in me could not understand...Hence only 5 stars and not more, is the dude/hero of the movie, Dev sails off into the sunset at the end. What kind of ending was that????? Didn't he see the spark of love in the girl's eyes??? Comeon!! You spend pretty much the whole movie with the heroine, from India to Amazonia, saving her multiple times from all sorts of dangers, and being with her till the end even after the death of her father, but at the end you sail off to India....leaving her behind. Where was the happy ending???? Bollywood ....if Bollywood made this movie, would have had a happy ending.
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