Did he or didn't he? Well, it turns out he DID!!!
30 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
"Slightly Married" is one of the strangest Pre-Code films I've ever seen. Like many films made during the era, there's plenty of adult content...but like they so often did, it's heavily implied and you aren't always sure what just happened.

The story begins with Mary in court. I think she's up on solicitation charges...but that isn't 100% clear. She says that she wasn't up to anything immoral but was waiting on the street for her fiance. Well, unexpectedly, a rich drunk stands up in court and announces he is Mary's fiance! Well, he was lying to try to help her...and the judge believes as much. So the judge calls their bluff and offers to marry them right there on the spot. Unwilling to go to jail for purgery, they agree...and the scene then switches to her apartment. He seems like a swell guy--and pays off her rent and buys her food. After all, she's broke and it is the Depression.

During the course of their limited time together, Jimmie and Mary fall for each other. But here is where it gets icky and confusing....one night Jimmie shows up and rapes his new wife. You aren't sure about this as you don't see it...but after they soon divorce, you learn she's pregnant! But she won't tell Jimmie about it. After all, he's rich and now engaged to a society lady...and there's no mention that he's a rapist. In fact, Mary STILL seems in love with the man who brutalized her! And, you know she'd love to have him back! Talk about strange 1930s morality!!!

While this B movie is reasonably well made, it has a major problem. While it starts off well, the rape totally changes the tone of the film...yet the filmmakers see it as a romance! Nothing romantic about rape! Andwhen she tries to get him back at the end you wonder why she'd want this jerk back in the first place! A confusing and morally suspect film to say the least!
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