Review of Vows

Dollhouse: Vows (2009)
Season 2, Episode 1
Echo gets married and Dr Saunders is conflicted about who she really is
13 January 2019
This episode returns us to the present, rather than the future depicted in the final episode of the first season. DeWitt is trying to recruit Ballard; to this end she has let him use Echo in an attempt to bring down an illegal arms dealer. This is a long term operation that involves Echo marrying the man. Things could get dangerous when she starts having flashbacks of previous engagements. Meanwhile back in the Dollhouse Dr Saunders is conflicted now she knows that she was previously a doll and her personality is just something given to her by Topher. As a hint at a season long plot arc it is reported that a senator is investigating the Rossum Corporation.

This was a good start to the second season. It provided a good standalone story; introduced a potential series long arc and gave us good character development. The main story provides elements of danger and some decent action; it also serves to explain Ballard's actions given that he spent the first season trying to bring down the Dollhouse. While these scenes are fun I preferred Dr Saunders' story the most as it gave an insight into her character; there was a touch of poignancy as she simultaneously dislikes Topher for what he did to her and wishes to continue being the person she is now rather than getting her 'real' personality back. Amy Acker was on top form here. The introduction of the plotline involving the senator investigating Rossum might not add much to this episode but it nicely hints at things to come.
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