Instantly forgettable
7 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
THREE KINDS OF HEAT is an independent action comedy thriller released by Cannon and directed by Leslie Stevens, the man who came up with THE OUTER LIMITS; it's a pity he didn't end his career on something more distinguished. This one's an international chase movie as a slumming-it Robert Ginty and his airhead companion Victoria Barrett pursue a criminal mastermind, played somewhat incredibly by TV's Doctor Who himself, Sylvester McCoy! The acting is excruciating all round, with no decent performances whatever; Shakti Chen is undoubtedly the worst offender here. The movie offers a variety of real-world locations for the action, including Harlem and London, as well as a random cameo for Samantha Fox, but the direction is insipid and the whole thing is instantly forgettable. Watch out for FRENZY's Barry Foster as a cop.
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