Tamest revenge movie ever.
20 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie follows the revenge formula but without the shock, without the transition from inocent victim to furious predator, without the gore.

It starts with an useless intro that has nothing to do with the movie. The main characters are unlickable. The dialogues are stupid. The acting so-so towards bad. I don't like prolongued torture/rape scenes, but in this genre you need some shock to sympathise with the victim, to root for their decision to be bruthal with jer abusers. Here everything is off camera. Same with the kills towards the abusers. Everything of camera.

And the worst is that when they escape they go from crying victims to cheerful joyful revengers cracking jokes with whichother.

Where's the furious rage? The payoff?

And the uncle plays a useless TAKEN role of paranoid fbi agent that notices they may be in danger and ends up tied to a chair with a thin cord.

And in one scene they drive besides other cars draging the towns priest chained to the car. And no one notices.

Honestly, don't waste your time with this movie.
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