Adam Ruins Everything: Adam Ruins Going Green (2016)
Season 1, Episode 26
Amazing Analysis without Catastrophizing
26 June 2019
This episode was one of the best yet. From both sides of the political spectrum there is mass misunderstanding and general lack of correct information. We hear about climate change all the time and the things we can do to help. But lately, things are getting worse. While those on one side may completely ignore the facts, the other presents it in such a way that makes life seem hopeless and ultimately not worth living. This episode those a grand job of showing the facts, history and synthesizing it in a way where it gives people hope. The last 5 minutes especially were so refreshing to watch as a hopeful inspiring message of what we can all do to help. I would reccomend this episode to anyone; regardless of political affiliation just because it presents the information in an honest, yet hopeful way.
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