Cult Classic
12 September 2019
This is one of cult classic of Tamil Cinema. Bharathiraja exploits the script for the best possible limits , added with Sivaji's , Vadikarasi and Radha's performance makes this rare combination. Taking a very unsual storyline for its times, handling with sensitivity in shoestring budget, Bharathiraja showed that he is master in this art . Story of Mid age man , unhappy with his marriage , seeks happiness in every small thing in the world, when a new firecracker enters the village, unknowingly he falls for her. Circumstances shows why line between right and wrong is always bleak. Nothing more can be said about the music of Illayaraja and Malayasia Vasudevan , that helped absorb every feeling the movie generated embed into your minds.

A very newbie Radha, who did typical dancing around Tree roles, was an exceptional with cute facial expression and boldness in ensuring she generates interest in the Old Man and shows the attraction in a natural and cute way also showing why such relationships are possible. Returning from retirement, Sivaji's acting and facial expression showed why he is considered the best actor of all times. His joyful Innocence in the initial playful scenes with Radha to the bold scenes where he shows his anger, Sivaji's verstality came out best in this movie. Man of verstalite There was so much that Sivaji had to offer which the Tamil Cinema never used. Last comes the best, the most underrated Actress of all times , Vadivukkarasi , though she was in her late 20s/early 30s probably during this movie, executed this role with so much rigor and passion with outstanding dialogue delivery ever by anyone. Something that probably came naturally to her, but her casting ensured, you cannot always define every circumstance between right and wrong, why life can be complicated. Bharathiraja showed how a movie can really move you emotionally , the pace of the movie builds up the emotion, however the everything falls in natural manner ,at the right pace, one could imagine how well this script was written. The Slang coupled with the Nativity of the villagers really takes you to the 80s setup of the movie. Showing his master touches, are many scenes, be it the one why Sivaji takes the Arwal angerily towards the end, and his bird cage drops , showing tradegy will happen. His love for his small bird Kuyil , also Radha's name. When kids run ,splashing water on Vadivukkarasi's face erasing her bindi , showing Satyaraj was her hidden lover. There are unlimited such mystery tied into the script. A masterpiece movie, one of best 10 movies in Tamil cinema.
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