Someone lost a bet
5 November 2019
I've never watched a zombie movie on 'ludes before... or any movie actually. This film is so dry you will feel cheated you didn't get 2 olives. This is like an episode of 'Emo Goes to Hollyweird'. Why the big names are in it, admittedly past their prime but still, I figure someone lost a bet. I sort of get the point but it's a long painful haul for an anti consumerism stump speech. I imagine the people who wax eloquent over a canvass that someone took a dump on through a macerator then blew sprinkles on will find some reason to laud this 'work' but for people with fully functioning brains maybe not so much. However if you have wacky beliefs you may find some vindication. I won't be watching it a second time.
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