Fun addition to the Christmas movie genre
16 November 2019
To get to the point quickly, "Arthur Christmas" is a holiday family movie that all members of the family will enjoy, whether they may be children or adults. However, I suspect that adults may appreciate it more to a certain degree, seeing that much of the humor and dialogue seems aimed more at a mature and worldly wise audience. It should also be pointed out that some situations and dialogue exchanges are so frenzied that adults may have a better ability than children to follow what is happening. On the other hand, children may appreciate the movie more to their own degree seeing that they will probably not notice that the story is significantly padded out in some sections, and they also may not spot some distracting product plugs for movies and products from the Sony company. (The movie was released by Columbia Pictures, which is owned by Sony.) Despite these flaws, the movie is colorful, well animated, has plenty of humor and action, and the title character is very sympathetic and likeable. While I wouldn't label this movie as one of the great Christmas movies of all time, it is pleasurable enough all the same.
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