Review of Pandora

Pandora (2016)
Good action but the constant hand-wringing made me turn it off
28 December 2019
So why did I rate it a 7 ? Because the acting, special effects and action was good. I really wanted to like this movie as I love K-drama, K-horror, etc. Perhaps the culture is different, but I just couldn't get over the over-the-top emotionalism of everyone involved. "Get back to work !!!" (as everything is falling down around them)..."Go in and save them !" (as we're told the radiation levels are too high for a safe retrieval)..."Come with us !" (person #1) "Come with us !" (person #2) "Come with us" (person #3) (as the person in question tells each one that he almost has the problem at hand fixed). It was just too much hysterics for me...against all common sense.
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