Crown Vic (2019)
A Sheepdog Life
1 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is as close as most of us will ever be to an understanding of life as a police officer. While the movie uses extreme examples in a compressed format it serves to provide a backdrop to what police may have to deal with over their career. Production value is good with all players turning in solid, if not stellar, work. While the movie as a whole gives a good idea how dynamic the job is, it also provides a look into their humanity. The two primaries represent a personality at the beginning and one at the end of their career. Up to this point it's just a good scripted version of the show Cops. But then the 'event' happens, this is where the power of the movie is revealed. It's a serious gut check that will cause a reaction, followed by realization then finally introspection. While not graphic beyond some dialogue there is no doubt that it's every bit as horrific as sane people can imagine involving young children. The notion of what should happen collides with what experience has shown does happen. Unthinkable and Gone Baby, Gone are the two movies I can think of that present such a 'what would you do' though in Crown Vic the potential consequences of both choices is severe and life altering. This movie does not paint cops as saints and pulls no punches painting in the dirt. Its does however give the audience a chance to see the world from inside the trap a patrol car becomes. Recommended.
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