Jezebel (2019)
Stimulating beyond the surface.
3 February 2020
This bold narrative of struggling family trying to make ends meet just to keep a roof over their heads is definitely captivating. It gives a voice to the way some youth are forced to grow up way faster than should and have to make money fast; and there isn't many options for quick money other than drugs or sex. I enjoyed how we get to see the main character Tiffany, emerge from this shy awkward teen who is made to feel like she is just living off the labor of her sister, goes from feeling thrust into the adult world, to a sexually empowered, woman who learns about herself and feels good about being good at something. Her bond with her sister throughout her journey in the film is really what strengthens the film over all. I feel a lot of people who watch the film and give it negative reviews based on the topic of "sex work/cam girl" are narrow minded and obviously think sex should be seen as something to be ashamed of especially since the film surrounds a young woman. Apparently young women aren't allowed to grow into their sexual nature on their own terms unless they are becoming wives or mothers *eyeroll* I truly believe if the film was about a man "sowing his oats" nothing would be seen shameful about it. Anyway if you truly watch the film and can see past your own nose you can tell it's about the bond between sisters and Tiffany coming to her own. It may be a different take on this topic but having different voices is what makes the film world great. Thank you NUMA!

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