Possibly the most realistic depiction of gruesome war shown in film in Spielberg's yet another addition to his perfect films collection. I got emotional during the last scene in this film as it really makes you feel for the character. The story goes as Tom Hank's character is tasked to find and save the only Ryan brother as all of his other brothers are K.I.A. and Hank's performance as a soldier in World War 2 is possibly the most realistic as it shows the horrors that troops saw during the assaults. Matt Damon as Ryan is also very good as he was relatively young which adds to how young soldiers were sent to hell to fight the Japs. The last scene really hit the heart for me and creates the best emotional resonance. The incredible special effects really show the true gritty reality of war. This film is not like previous classic war movies such as Where Eagles Dare and The Guns of Navarone where they somewhat glorify being in war. Saving Private Ryan is among the greatest of Spielberg. Today, there have been similar gritty movies of war such as Fury and Hacksaw Ridge but for me, this is better than those. Overall, I highly recommend seeing this obviously take into count the lengthy running time but it is well worth it.