Some Youtubers remain decent people despite their fame. Lily isn't one of them.
2 March 2020
There was once a time where I really enjoyed Lily's content on Youtube. It was quirky, it had some wit, it was good clean fun. At the time she seemed to be quite a likable person.

Fast-forward 5 years, and Lily has become an egomaniac. Ignoring the "humour" of the show, which is too bland and dry to even be "So bad it's good"-- Lily is simply a bad human being. It shocks me that network television has allowed her content to continue after her openly sexist jokes towards white people, especially white men. Not only are these kind jokes repetitive and unoriginal, they're also shockingly generalised. Here's a fun game to play while waiting for her show to end: swap out every joke she makes toward white people with "Jewish people" or "Black people" and, imagine the havoc it would cause if broadcasted.

Unfunny stuff I can handle, but this is tasteless, offensive trash. Using the time slot to watch paint dry would be a better choice.
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