Cinemania (2002)
New Yorkers And Film Fans Can Relate
13 March 2020
This is a documentary about five film obsessed fans in New York City.

I had seen this when first released, I just got the DVD. The subjects of the film are:

1) Jack-he is in his 30s, living off of an inheritance, he sees about 3 films a day every day, only in theaters, he will not watch films on TV or video. He is very verbose and fancies himself an intellectual. He skips family outings (also weddings and funerals) to go to screenings. He seems full of himself at times and a bit pretentious, also judgmental when speaking of the other cinephiles.

2) Eric- he is in his 50s, getting disability payments, he is the only one who likes watching films on video. He prefers 1930s comedies and musicals.He says he cares more for Audrey Hepburn than some of his relatives, he was devastated by her death. He has an unkempt appearance but is soft spoken and unassuming.

3) Bill- he is in his 30s, former grad student, currently collecting unemployment benefits. He prefers European films from New Wave to the present. He is looking for female companionship, hopefully a beautiful French girl. He is the only one who admits to seeing a psychiatrist and takes anti anxiety meds. He seems desperate at times but harmless.

4) Roberta-in her 60s, the only woman in the bunch, lives on disability payments, refuses to have a TV or VCR. She likes 1930s dramas and adventure films, she has a tearful reaction to A Farewell To Arms with Gary Cooper and Helen Hayes. She is a compulsive collector of movie related brochures and flyers. She can be cranky and argumentative at times. She passed away in 2009.

5) Harvey- in his 40s, another one getting disability payments, he watches any kind of film, including low budget trash, he is obsessed with the running times of movies and knows them by heart. He is a jovial character, often has fits of the giggles.

Some of the group have gotten into trouble due to their obsessions. Jack admits to having been arrested a few times. In the most interesting scene, we hear a ticket taker's confrontation with Roberta. Tia, the girl taking tickets, is the only one outside the group to be interviewed. She says she was working at the Museum Of Modern Art, Roberta did not want to give up her ticket. Apparently she has kept every intact ticket and did not want it ripped. Out of patience, Tia rips it and gives Roberta the stub. Roberta then angrily attacks the girl, trying to choke her, though Tia says Roberta obviously does not know what she is doing. Roberta then is banned from MOMA. Tia then recalls Roberta showing up in disguise another time with wig and makeup trying to get in. Tia recognizes her and a sobbing Roberta is escorted out. Tia rather condescendingly says Roberta was probably trying to relive something she saw in a movie.

A personal note here. I am a life long New Yorker and film fan, though not obsessed like the subjects of this doc. I have personally seen two of the people from the film, though I did not speak to them.

I saw Roberta on a ticket line once, I stood back and watched to see what would happen. She appeared to be in a mellow mood and the ticket taker did not rip off her stub.

I saw Harvey once sitting a few rows ahead of me in a theater. He was carrying on a conversation with some people sitting behind him. The conversation was about, you guessed it, movie running times.

The DVD is worth owning, since there are many good deleted scenes where we hear more about the subjects' favorite films which is most interesting for movie fans.
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