The Sadist (1963)
"How does it feel when you're about to die?"
28 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
With the corona virus causing havoc throughout the land (fortunately I don't have it), and local libraries where I source all my movies from all closed, I've been forced to dip into collections I've acquired in the past but never got around to watching, primarily because the titles sound so dismal. In recent days I've had to settle for things like "They Saved Hitler's Brain" and "The Werewolf of Washington". This one comes out of the Mill Creek 'Pure Terror' collection, and even though it's not a straight up horror film, it does fulfill the terror quotient just as soon as Charlie Tibbs arrives on scene with his virtually mute girlfriend Judy (Marilyn Manning). I say virtually because Judy makes her way through the story with an assortment of whispers and giggles, but nothing coherent to anyone but her boyfriend.

The crazed killer Charlie is portrayed by the venerable Arch Hall, Jr., and I don't think you'll ever see a more demented portrayal on screen than you do here. He brings a certain maniacal glee to terrorizing three unfortunate teachers who get sidelined at a maintenance yard that appears deserted, and proceeds to chip away at their sanity while engrossing the viewer with his oddly mesmerizing performance. It perhaps helps that Hall isn't a very good actor, but his vision for this role makes 'over the top' seem quite ordinary and commonplace.

The tension achieved by director James Landis is really quite extraordinary for what many would consider a B picture, and one wonders throughout how the poor hostages will ever make a get away from their tormentor. In that regard, the story offers a twist or two, while setting up a nail biting finale that's either a bit clever or just a cop out depending on your disposition. Because the character of Charlie Tibbs is so pitiful, I thought it appropriate that he winds up in a pit full. For that, you'll have to catch the picture.

Checking Arch Hall Jr.'s screen credits, I'm surprised to learn that he only made eight movies, one of them being a short. Even more surprisingly, I've now seen three of them, the others being "Eegah" and "Deadwood '76". Neither one is worth writing home about, but this is one film I'd readily recommend for fans in the Stephen King vein. If nothing else, you'll marvel at Arch Jr's. facial contortions as he terrorizes his helpless victims. As a sadist, he's par excellence.
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