Pulp Fiction (1994)
Fun cult film, tad overrated
21 April 2020
Conflicted on this one. I like a lot of elements of it, the characters are (mostly) really compelling and interesting. I think some of the "Segments" are a lot stronger than others. I think that the first part of Bruce Willis's story is just... bland. I didn't find it very interesting or compelling. It gets interesting though. The first and last are by far my favourite, but for the most part it's pretty strong. I do think this film is slightly overrated. That's not to say that it isn't good, but I think a lot of people think it is a whole lot better then it is. The film is acted well and I enjoyed all the action, not to mention the comedy in this film caught me by surprise. I found it really hilarious. I see why everyone had/has a crush on Uma Thurman now, she really is deserving of the main character on the cover. I also remembered how much I like long shots. I think they allow exposition to be delivered in a way that is more pleasing to the audience. Overall, good crime flick with some great comedy and action but a tad overrated. 7-8/10.
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