Ni Hao, Kai-Lan (2007–2011)
Great show!
30 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This show is great! the show teaches about chinese culture and how to handle your feelings. the voice acting is great,the animation is good,and there is always a good lesson,my only problem is that they sing the lesson over and over. and people say its a rip-off of dora, witch i feel is not true. but i respect whoever thinks it is opinion. people also say it makes there kid do bad stuff. witch i dont understand, for example, in the episode were hoho (the monkey ) hits rintoo (the tiger) hoho gets punished. if the characters dont do the bad thing, they wont learn there lesson. so what do i think, its a great show with cute characters, and great lessons, i give it a 10/10.
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