The Rain: Avoid the City (2018)
Season 1, Episode 3
It's Building Up...But it's Not Really Getting Better.......
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Start off here with Simone telling Martin that they need to leave and go hunt down her Dad. Martin says hte rest of the group aren't going with them. So Simone and Rasmus leave.

The others come and ask where Simone and Rasmus are. Martin tells them they left. The others say they gotta go with them, and they leave. So Martin and his buddy are left in the bunker, but they soon follow as well.

After getting to the city, Simone and group soon find that it's not a very pleasant place. There's others around and they aren't very nice.

Simone gets separated. So everyone is basically separate for a time. Simone runs into another little kid and his father.

Simone sees the father and kid dragged down by another mob. Another townie chases Simone and holds Rasmus at knifepoint demanding food. Martin arrives just in time. But the angry townie stabs Rasmus anyway. Group is reunited but Rasmus is badly hurt. Throw Rasmus is shopping cart on run off with him.

Simone leads them to yet another bunker.. This bunker however has been raided already. Martin and Simone find a map and go over a possible plan.

Martin agrees to take the team towards a WALL that has been erected to keep people IN.

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