Review of By Day's End

By Day's End (2020)
Decent idea that went nowhere
21 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers

This film goes nowhere. It resides in its entirety within a motel room and parking lot. Considering how low budget this was, I wonder if they even had permission to film where they did?

Anyway, "low budget" can be good, if done well, with a clear vision for the film, and a good script.

This film obviously had none of that. The acting is amateurish to the point of distraction. Don't think "struggling actors trying to make it in the business", think instead this is "film students who should reconsider their long term goals".

The plot is "okay". For something that I've seen 100 times before: Couple with pre-existing "issues" must face the end of the world together. Will they get stronger? Will they break up? Do I care? No.

There are also consistency issues here by the oodles with the writing itself, for example, a tough combat vet (?) who brags about killing 7 zombies / whatever then proceeds to almost immediately get snuck up on by the most obvious zombie in film history, and bitten. Aw shucks.

The ending attempts to be a "surprise" ending by being overly pessimistic, but again, this is a recycled, often replayed move in films of this genre. It's not nearly as witty as it thinks it is, and turns a chore of a film into a pointless slog.

Bleh. Avoid.
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