Black Box (II) (2020)
I Run My Mind. It Doesn't Run Me.
15 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So apparently there's this guy who has some severe memory problems and he's somehow got custody of his daughter still. His little girl has to remind him of just about everything.

So, he knows a neurologist, who connects him with another neurologist who wants to hook him up to some experimental therapy. To first access his memories through hypnosis, and then by hooking up some device she created, the Black Box.

He starts seeing some weird stuff in his 'memories' . They make a point of stressing how he was NOT A FIGHTER.. Oh so come to find out, he's not even the father of the little girl. He's a different person entirely, who has been uploaded into a different body!

Then when he goes to visit his REAL family....he comes across as quite the a$$. His former wife, conks him over the head.

+1 Star for his wife conking him over the head....

He's losing time. I think that his scientist mother has overwritten another guy's mind. And yeah that's what happened. OG dude is still in there. They are fighting for control over the mind and body.

His memory coming back he has a choice. Preserve himself or the other guy. He remembers that he was an abusive husband. As opposed to the other guy who is really a good father.

I thought the end was a bit too convenient. Convenient that the friend and little girl showed up just in time. The movie was okay. But still just okay.

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