Perry Mason: The Case of the Rolling Bones (1958)
Season 1, Episode 39
Two great performance in small roles
20 November 2020
The principal actors are fine, but other reviewers have written about them, so I'll just talk about two the comprimarios (bit-parts).

Richard Gaines, the character-actor playing the judge (Judge Treadwell) who grants Perry's Writ of Habeas Corpus and orders that Daniel Reed be released from the psych-ward, does a fantastic job in his small role. His intense, prickly irritation with the doctor who committed Reed, when Perry points out that the judge himself has one of the signs which the doctor cited as part of his basis for committing Reed, is a treat. Just a few minutes of screen-time, but the few minutes are super-entertaining, and a great demonstration on how to play bit-parts.

And Alan Lee, the unhealthy-looking actor with the breathy voice who plays the sleazy private detective Kemp, does excellent work portraying the unscrupulous creep.
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