Review of Replicas

Replicas (2018)
26 November 2020
Just read some of the longer reviews that are 4 stars or less, they tell you everything I feel about this messy mess of a film. Great concept, I love sci fi and horror both, but the script, acting and execution, were the absolute bottom of the barrel. I'm laughing at the gushing 8+ star "reviews", they couldn't have possibly watched the same movie. Or don't watch many movies and/or are friends of Keanu. I know 5 year olds with more depth and intelligence than this movie and like somebody already mentioned, the only thing that would have made it worse, is if Nicholas Cage was in it. As it is, Keanu is his usual self, the wooden actor we all know. Alice Eve, atrocious and the kids, well, hopefully they have other things to do besides trying to act.

But I'd never tell people not to watch something. Just be warned, it's painful. And completely ridiculous. The 3 stars are for the production, it did look slick. And it could have been great had they used real talent on just about everything.
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