A quite fresh Christmas short series
28 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Christmas movies and series are usually rather shallow and predictable. The majority of them follow strictly the glorious Hallmark movie tradition. This is not the case here! Understandably a Christmas short series is more than a bit on the comedy side, happy end included. This shouldn't mean, though, that such movies and series cannot touch delicate personal, family or social issues. They can and they should - they only need to keep everything in balance! And this is where Uber Weihnachten makes the difference and even excels. The series dares to touch sensitive issues like terminal illness, family savoir vivre, failed artistic aspirations as well as what it means to be gay in a small town and manages to handle all of them In good ole Christmas spirit. Quite a feat, I should say! Excellent performances, fast pace and a remarkable sense of humor make everything believable and actually welcome. If you are a fan of Christmas TV series and movies and also thirsty for a fresh approach to them, don't miss Uber Weihnachten!
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