Overlong and overkind
1 December 2020
Oscar Pistorius, record-breaking Paralympic and Olympic athlete, is currently serving a gaol term for shooting his girlfriend dead: this much we know. It may have been the murder for which he was (eventually) convicted; it may have been a tragic accident. This film reconstructs Pistorius's rise and fall, but it's very flabby, being filled with talking heads who mostly attest to what a great guy he was. Their relentless Oscar-boosting, most of which is purely hearsay, is largely unelightening as to his true character and actual motives. Contrasting to the recent accclaimed O.J. Simpson documentary, the story is more personal and less societal in nature and its central character, although clearly possesed of extraordinary determination, is fundamentally less interesting. In the kindest interpretations of his actions, his stupidity cost a life. Don't play with guns, kids!
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