Review of Oracle

Endeavour: Oracle (2020)
Season 7, Episode 1
Convoluted and boring
5 December 2020
No spoilers here - there is nothing to spoil.

I enjoy the original series with John Thaw. Even if some of the earlier episodes are so slow, I fall asleep if I watch them too late in the evening, I also enjoy Lewis, and until now, Morse. But this episode, which just premiered on Danish TV, no. It's not even sleep-inducingly boring. It is infuriatingly boring! It is somehow overstylized, overdressed, self-important. The acting is unusually stiff. Whatever little incoherent plot there may be is totally obscured by overdone dillettante theatricals. The episode is trying too hard to be clever, intelligent and "artsy", and fails because of it. Also, in these times, we do not need more "serious" detective stories flirting with silly supernatural ideas. Frankly I don't know how this episode deals with it, and worse, I don't care.
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