The Christmas Sitters (2020 TV Movie)
People really change that quickly?
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved seeing Riley from MacGyver in something else, but I felt that this production was not worthy of her acting prowess. This was a sloppy production: the kids who are supposed to be 8 & 10 look like they're 11 & 13; there's "snow" on the foreground trees during the snowboarding scene but none on the trees in the background; the male lead showed no remorse for the dog wrecking the house and did not even clean it up; etc. I wish there had been more of Tristin singing as she has a lovely voice, and I wish the writers would not think we're so stupid as to believe that 2 people would change the core of who they are in a matter of a few days. Sadly, the writers rule all, and this movie is pretty typical of the bulk of what they are churning out these days.
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