Review of Ratched

Ratched (2020)
Could've been so much more...
10 April 2021
I had to watch this as One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is one of my favorite films of all time. I had high hopes for it being related to it in some way, also because in the opening credits it suggests it is, but my...was I disappointed.

It seems that nowadays the film industry needs a lot of blood to create an interesting story rather than a good plot of some sort. This could have been such a great prequel to the film. All the writers had to do is look at the character and build a story around her that fits her personality. She was wicked and harsh in the film but certainly not evil. And with that they could've have given her a human side that could have made it slightly endearing. Yet the makers chose this turn it into some sort of cheap semi-horror story which isn't even scary. The Osgood part of it was simply ridiculous and shows lack of imagination for a half decent script. And why use music from Cape Fear? That's cheap and unoriginal. Surely someone could've come up with something new?

I do think the actors where well casted but found most of the acting mediocre, apart from nurse Ratched and Bucket. Ratched does have the same presence and stature and posture that the original had.

The visuals were over the top but I liked it, except for the bleeding lipstick. I loved the architecture, the cars, the landscapes. But again, sadly, this doesn't make a great story... It actually gave me this kind of Marvel series feel, which seems to be the "hype" these days. It goes to show that good things are better left be! Or been so much more...
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