Neighbors (1920)
A love story beyond the wall and a comedy beyond imaginable stunts.
10 April 2021
Neighbors (1920) : Brief Review -

A love story beyond the wall and a comedy beyond imaginable stunts. Buster Keaton did exactly what was he known for. But you know every time he had to do something unseen and unheard and how he managed to it every time is still an unanswered mystery. Though, I like it this way, let it remain unrevealed and let me be surprised always. Neighbors starring Buster Keaton and Virginia Fox is story of love and fight. A young couple who live next to each other in tenement apartments do everything they can to be together despite of their feuding families. The storyline is by far more than enough for a short film and later it was used in many feature films, expectedly. Keaton breaks the barrier of imagination and people's expectations yet again. He brings the amazing stuff again and this time with new techniques. Here he performed some unreal stunts with the help of supporting cast such as climbing the rope to enter the house, a triple floor of human bodies and many more. That cat and mouse sequence with the cop was very intelligent and organically hilarious. His unique ideas of performing stunts which looks unreal is simply unbelievable. One just can't help it. He always manages to wow us and it's no exaggeration but he was a legend much before he got the tag and nobody was close or comparable to him then. Neighbours came in the same year of another Timeless masterpiece 'One Week' which clearly proves that Keaton wasn't just any other great artist, but he was a Legend beyond any degree. Neighbors is a Must See for everyone who wants to know how Keaton formed his legacy. It just didn't come with one film and in one day, he had worked a lot for it and consistently, without letting that raised bar go down. Overall, another Classic by Legend Buster Keaton. Kudos to the entire team.

RATING - 8/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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