A Mess from start to finish.
23 July 2021
No wonder Clive himself came out and said "This is NO child of mine" as he made sure to put as much distance from this disaster as possible. Same goes for Doug Bradley, who will always be "The Cold Man", the role was written for him. I don't recognize the character here at all, they should have gone with a different Cenobite altogether. But Nope. Nothing any of the useless characters do makes any sense and you actually want them to be sent off to hell.

Rarely, and I mean rarely do I give a movie 1*, most movies have some redeeming quality or moment. This has none of that and even less. It makes no sense to attempt to take Clive's brilliant first foray into not just his own movie, but his directorial debut and twist it into oblivion by clearly copying the story and butchering it spectacularly. The acting, the photography, the script, even the sound effects are trashy.

At least Julia had a reason to kill people to bring back her lover, she had the hots for Frank big time, but all the clown did here was belittle and then demand his blood sacrifices. I don't know about you, but once my abuser was dead, I'd be the very last one he can call on for a resurrection, if you know what I mean.

I wish these movie studios would try using some of the new fresh material that's around instead of regurgitating old classics, turning them into slop and killing them off by completely alienating the fan base. Aka the people who pay for the tickets, or streaming services, to watch these crappy ass butcher jobs. Don't get me started on how much Disney shouldn't be allowed to own anything but Mickey Mouse....and I digress, sorry.

Anyway, Bleh. Check it out for yourself and decide. Maybe you'll like it. Not sure how, but you never know.
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