Party of Five: Of Human Bonding (1998)
Season 4, Episode 14
Things in Common, Bad Couples
25 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Julia, Sarah and a friend from her new job named Ginny, share a girl night after having trouble with their men. The three have common interests, the three couples are struggling and are bad. In a moment, they find Griffin and Elliott in a strip club. There, Julia yells at Griffin for what he is doing (he says he has been in a lot of strip clubs traveling with the Marine), but she doesn't want to hear it and leaves. Inspired by Julia, Ginny ends her marriage but Julia doesn't want to give up on Griffin, although he is far away from her. Sarah really tries with Elliott, but as showed here, things won't turn out well for her in the next episode. These stories were not so good, it's great that Julia tries hard now, but seems that always there's a reason for unhappiness between them, and Griffin is giving up.

Meanwhile, Bailey tries hard to bond with Natalie but she misses her dad (like any child in her situation). She even tries to call him by herself, but seemingly he changed his number (or he lost it, who knows). Although Bailey talks bad about Jay Mott and clearly has no clue what he means to Natalie and Annie, he finally can reach the child sharing his father's death, and that he misses him as much as she misses Jay. Bailey's speech was very well written, that was the best of the storyline here.

As for Charlie, he befriends Kevin, a fellow Hodgkin's patient, and both try to live a little, going out after treatments. They go to a batting cage, where Charlie remembers his time in little league, and wonders how he always thought about playing while seeing the place every time he went to the fish market, but he never came before thinking would be a waste of time. Kevin agrees, and says that since he learned he has cancer, he's not afraid anymore of doing some extreme things, he even thought about climbing a mountain, for example. Then Charlie arrives home 3 hours later than usually. Claudia and Julia get worried, saying they called Bailey, Kirsten and the restaurant and almost to the police. He apologizes, but the next day he and Kevin plan to go for a fishing trip and the sisters opposse. Fortunately, before getting in the car, while reading the map (and wearing the Briarcliff coat in the cold night), he realizes the idea is crazy as they would be away from any hospital, in the middle of nowhere, so he desists. Still, he feels bad and Kevin tells him to think in himself, so Charlie then explains to his sisters that he doesn't want to stay in bed waiting to live or die. Julia says the truth, she is doing a lot for him, with Owen, Claudia, household chores like laundry and she won't do it so he can take off and be selfish, risking even more his life. Claudia tries to convince him of this too, that he can get sick, and though he says he already is, she obviously means another sickness, like a cold. I bet that Kirsten would have said the same if she was living in the house with him. So I'm siding with the sisters here, considering what happens in 4x16, it's not good for Charlie to spend time in the cold nights of winter. There are 75% chances of survival for Hodgkin's, so he can't risk that, because those chances can be far lower if he gets another disease like hypothermia, pneumonia, a cold, or even some fracture. Overall, it wasn't a bad episode, but the level is lower than the last ones.
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